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Fox Body Protector Mika - Kuning

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
12 kali
Rp. 550.000

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Detail Fox Body Protector Mika - Kuning

The Fox Racing Airframe roost deflector offers excellent back protection, is extremely comfortable and it works well with a Leatt Brace in place. Fox Chest Protectors are generally lightweight, easy to put on and designed to provide great airflow. If you' re like me and stand over 6' tall weighing over 200lbs you' ll find a Fox chest protector perfect for your size, none of that too snug pinching feeling from Fox products, assuming you take the time to adjust them properly. The gray area around the stomach portion of the chest protector is actually clear but looks gray due to the padding behind it. Overall the Fox chest protector is an excellent piece of safety gear for riders of all sizes. Fox Body Protector Mika Pelindung dada dan punggung Warna : Kuning Ukuran : XL Pemesanan Langsung via SMS di 0812 5729 8214 atau pesan langsung di website kita di Untuk melihat produk lainnya, kunjungi website kami di
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